Spitznas Maschinenfabrik GmbH ("Spitznas") is a machine and tool builder which was founded in 1904 and is based in Velbert, Germany. The company is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of pneumatic and hydraulic power tools, hydraulic spare parts for pumps and motors and hydrostatic compact drives. The products are used in various industrial environments, such as plant and machinery construction, mining and steel construction.
Transtools Sp. z o.o. („Transtools“), located in Lublin, Poland, is the exclusive distributor of Spitznas for Poland, a wholesaler of hand-operated tools and the supplier for Spitznas’ mechanical production.
BE Beteiligungen Fonds GmbH & Co. geschlossene Investmentkommanditgesellschaft („BE Beteiligungen“) is an independent private equity fund which invests in established SMEs and is specialized in growth financing in the form of mezzanine financing and direct investments.
The following advisers of Classen Fuhrmanns & Partner were involved in the transaction: Dr. Dirk Classen (lead management, M&A), Dr. Achim Fuhrmanns (M&A, labour law), Torsten Decker (M&A, corporate law).
Classen Fuhrmanns & Partner regularly gives legal advice to BE Beteiligungen, most recently on the investment in the teleshopping channel 1-2-3.tv in 2016 and on the investment in the VulkaTec Riebensahm GmbH in 2015.
Contact for further information:
Dr. Dirk Classen, Classen Fuhrmanns & Partner, Rechtsanwälte, Hohenzollernring 72, D-50672 Cologne, Germany, Tel.: +49 (0) 221/88 88 27 0, dirk.classen@cf-p.de, www.cf-p.de